My Experience About Accepting Myself

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I realize now that I shouldn’t have allowed anything to stop me , but that was the issue: the fear. I was born with six siblings ,me as the last born but again as the invisible one. In my family no one recognized my victory , I was never really involved in many activities or clubs even during my first year of college and I never went to many events as a young adult. I know that’s not really the normal thing to do during the first year, because that’s all you ever hear is getting involved to make friends. I understand the point of saying that, and of course I wanted to make some friends, but honestly, I  was just flat out terrified to go to anything. Maybe that all seems a little extreme but to me it was definitely very real.

All those quotes you see about  ”face your fear” “you can do it,” and  ” be brave” meant nothing and just didn’t help, neither did anything that anyone said. I usually believe that words are pretty powerful, but not in this case at least. And that is basically how it was for the whole time I was at school , I barely ventured out to anything extra-curricular because of the way I felt about myself. For a while I was able to fake the fact that I wasn’t ready, but ”fake it till you make it” that was the problem, I had faked it too long and I didn’t know how to make it. And the difficulties only made it worse. I was afraid of not knowing if people were using sarcasm, if I was making eye contact, or not picking up on nonverbal cues. Also I was worried about what people might think of me if those things were to happen. Scared to death is probably the best statement to describe how I went through the year.

For a while I was able to fake the fact that I wasn’t ready, but ”fake it till you make it” that was the problem, I had faked it too long and I didn’t know how to make it.

I spent nearly eight months of denial, feeling like everyone is staring at me all the time, so quite inside until I was lucky enough to fall in love.. this was the time that I realized that maybe I should have been ready to go out and get involved in every single thing that I could but truthfully I wasn’t, and don’t think anything could have made me ready. I had to do it all on my own. Accepting my imperfections was like swimming in a blazer of fire but to impress the love of my life I started conquering my fears and even though everything that I did seemed as a new thing to me I was ready to make these baby steps.

Written by,

Nakajiri Prisca

  1. Becca says

    This is so inspiring 😍

  2. Namukosi janat says

    For real it’s touching but all in all you just need to find the way forward not by the help of others but the confidence you have in your self

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