What’s your Lifestyle?

All that wasn't actually so hard, the hard part came with praying the five daily obligatory prayers, hooo ....I could just handle the morning prayer, and avoid the rest. I call it avoiding because I wasn't even trying to fix them in my…

Conquering Fear during Covid Times

My advice for staying (or becoming) calm during a trying time of social isolation and unknown is to find the silver lining. Not to be insensitive or to minimize anyone's experience, but more or less trying to help reframe the fear that can…

My DSTV Guide During the Lockown

During the lockdown, we had to find ways to occupy our days. One of the ways that I kept occupied was watching television. My housemate and I used to not watch TV on weekdays before the lockdown. we would just come from work and everyone…

When to Leave a Relationship

Remember your relationship with the person exists in the current moment. Not in the past. Past memories should remain as memories and not as a reason to stay together. Your decision on whether to stay with the person should be based on your…

Best Money Management Practices

A budget will also help you decide how to spend your money over the coming months and years. Without the plan, you might spend cash on things that seem important now, but don't offer much in terms of enhancing your future. Many people get…

Tumeric Magic

Turmeric is a bright yellow-orange spice commonly used in curries and sauces. It comes from the turmeric root. The spice has been used for its medicinal, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties for thousands of years.