Easy DIY Methods to Get Rid of Dark Spots

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Skin is the largest organ of human body and skin conditions are among most common issues that make us seek medical help. According to statistics, the most common skin conditions like acne, affect 80 percent of the world’s population people at some point in their lives. Dark patches on the skin make up for another common skin condition that can appear at any age. If you happen to find areas on your skin where the color is darker, don’t panic — there are simple remedies from your kitchen you can try right now.


One of the natural remedies that helps to whiten dark spots and blemishes on the skin are potatoes. You can apply potato juice or thin slices of fresh potato onto affected areas of skin and let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse your skin with water. Those who tried this remedy noticed positive changes after 7-8 days of doing potato applications.

Aloe Vera 

The anti-aging and skin nourishing properties of Aloe Vera make it an amazing remedy for the skin. Cut an Aloe Vera leaf in half and rub it on your skin. Let your skin dry and rinse with water. Repeat this treatment daily until you get rid of the dark patches.

Orange peel

Contains Vitamin C in large amounts which makes it a perfect remedy for all sorts of skin conditions. Make a DIY facial mask by mixing 1 tbsp of orange peel powder with 3 tbsp of milk. Apply the mask, let it nourish your skin for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with water.


Fresh lemon juice

Lemon is another natural product that has strong whitening properties. Apply some fresh lemon juice onto the affected area with a cotton pad. Let the juice dry and then rinse with water. Apply this remedy daily for at least 2 weeks.

You may also mix lemon juice with honey for a DIY facial mask that will help to brighten, nourish, exfoliate, and even the tone of your skin.

Coconut oil

This is a natural remedy that can work wonders for skin that is affected by dark patches thanks to its nourishing, anti-bacterial, and moisturizing properties. Apply coconut oil onto affected areas and let your skin absorb it. Make sure you use cold pressed oil as it contains more vitamins.

Apple cider vinegar

Mix equal parts water and apple cider vinegar to get your DIY skin toner. Apply this mixture onto the affected area, let dry, and rinse with water. Apply ACV toner daily until dark spots on your skin fade.


rich in natural acids that are effective for skin whitening. Apply pineapple juice onto the areas affected by dark patches with a cotton pad and rinse after 5 minutes. You may also rub your skin with thin slices of fresh pineapple.

Healthy skin doesn’t happen overnight.”

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