Best Tips For Sensitive Skin

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Skins have different levels of sensitivity, which may be attributed to the products we use, the sun, the environment, food to name but a few. So the first thing you need to do is know what type of sensitivity your skin reacts to, I know mine is definitely environmental, foods (anything with wheat is a no go) and type of products too. Once you have found out the culprit of your sensitive skin then you can move to the next best tip.


I am always experimenting with new products on the market that promise to cater to the sensitive skin which many times has been proven to just be a selling gimmick and has not worked for my type of skin. What I mean with this is that the type of products you use really matters, avoid using harsh products or anything that leaves you feeling itchy, overly dry or even stings once you use it. From your cleansers, toners, creams and even acids. Harsh products on sensitive skin is a huge nono.


Speaking of products, sensitive skin will react to anything with perfume in it or any sort of fragrance. Avoid using scented products on your skin and opt of fragrance free ones or if you love coconut oil then do give that a whirl and see how your skin reacts too because coconut oil does have great benefits.


Another best tip for sensitive skin is to patch test before putting it all over. If you’re to get a new product, test it on a small area and see how your skin will fare first and if it doesn’t cause any itching, burning sensation or cause any hives, then you are good to go. So remember to patch test your products when it come so sensitive skin.


Sensitive skin also needs hydration and just cause it’s sensitive doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be moisturized, choose products that hydrate your skin and that don’t make your skin feel dry. Products with hyaluronic acid are really great since they add moisture to your skin which really helps when it comes to sensitivity. Make sure to notice when your skin feels overly dry or tight then that’s when you need to moisturize. Also do drink water and keep yourself hydrated, your skin shouldn’t suffer just because you didn’t drink enough water.


I know you’ve heard how exfoliating removes all the dead skin and all but when it comes to sensitive skin, doing this may actually be causing more harm than good. Try not to overdo it and if you really have to then choose gentle exfoliating products that don’t hurt or scratch when using it, make your own if you have to and use natural products when creating them. If all fails, then I suggest you stop exfoliating for a while and give your skin a break. If you’re into acids, be very careful and choose ones that are not overly harsh.


Another best tip for sensitive skin is to try and introduce new products one at a time, don’t just go full force and use five new products at the same time, I know most people do but sensitive skin doesn’t like that and to spare you the outcome, just use one at a time then give it a week and see how it works and then continue with the rest.


We all know this one, touching your face most of the time doesn’t really help. I know that when I keep touching my face, I start wanting to either pick on it, I end up feeling itchy, then I scratch and then hives occur and it just goes on and on. I already told you before why your skin isn’t clear and healthy and I mentioned the same there too. Also when you touch your face, you end up transferring what’s on your hands onto your face, unless you are super cautious I don’t think you can remember everything you’ve touched all day, so don’t let it get on your face.


This is yet another best tip when it comes to sensitive skin, the ingredients of the products you use is also very important point. There are many harmful ingredients hidden in most products that may not necessarily be bad for other skin types but very detrimental to sensitive skin. What I have learnt is that the less the ingredients the better and also if I am able to recognize some of them then I will use it. If you end up opting for natural ingredients still patch test as I said above because you never know. Also if you see alcohol as one of the ingredients then just forget it because it’s not good for sensitive skin.


We all want to look pretty once in a while and makeup plays a big role in that. There are many brands out there nowadays and what works for one may not work for you. Choose your makeup wisely, test them and if you react to them then try something else. Makeup is one of the things that really reacts real quick with my skin and I either break out in hives or just itch myself silly. Take care of your brushes too and wash them often or after every use.


I just had to throw this one here, remember to use your sunscreen. I tend to forget this most of the time which is not good because it is very important. The sun can increase irritation on your skin if you have sensitive skin so don’t say I didn’t remind you.

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