Parenting Styles

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Few of us fit neatly into one single parenting style, but rather raise children using a combination of styles. Think of the four styles as a continuum instead of four distinct ways to parent. Ideally, we think about our children and what they need from us at specific points in time. Many parents will switch the styles according to the scenario but will still have a particular style they easily resort to. These are not set in stone and parents can easily switch them according to the what is most effective at that moment.

As a parent, there is a way you would like to bring up your kids, let’s find out which one is the best among these four parenting styles.

Permissive parenting

This is a kind of parenting where parents don’t act demanding.  Here kids do not have many responsibilities and they are allowed to regulate their behaviors and the majority of their choices.

When parents are permissive, they look at their children as equal rather than children of the parents.

This is a parent who is afraid to set limits on children or believes.  In this case, a child has to be true to his or her own nature.

In other words, this kind of a parent will always be nurture and warm but too reluctant to IMPOSE LIMITS.

Authoritative parenting

This style is an approach to child-rearing that combine warmth, sensitivity and setting of limits. Some parents use positive reinforcement and reasoning to guide their children. They always avoid seeing threats and punishment as their final resort.

This is a kind of a parent who will ask her/ his kid wants to do and as a parent, he/ she reasons a child out of what he wanted to do in a good way if that was not going to give good feedback.

Authoritarian / Disciplinarian parenting

A kind of parenting style that is about being strict and stern.  This style insists on unquestioning obedience, and enforces good behaviors through threats, shaming and other punishments.

This is a kind of parent styles with less parental warmth and responsiveness.

Uninvolved parenting

This is a kind of parenting where parents don’t respond to their child needs or desires beyond the basis needs like food, shelter, clothing and medical needs.

Sometimes it’s called neglectful parenting because most of such parents don’t see any thing that is required in life other than the best needs. Their kids rarely feel the parents love.

Parenting is hard especially trying to be patient with little version of impatient you. Always encourage and support your kid because children are apt to live up to what you believe of them.


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